2024 International Conference on Digital Technology and Smart Education(DTSE 2024)

Call for papers

The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:   

1. Artificial Intelligence in Education

2. Big Data and Educational Decision Analysis

3. Application of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in teaching and learning

4. Development and application of educational robots

5. Mobile Learning Technologies and Strategies

6. Application of Cloud Computing in Distance Education

7. Intelligent education software and platform development

8. Application of Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing in Teaching and Learning

9. Machine Learning Models for Analyzing Student Behavior

10. Online Education Models and Learning Management System (LMS) Innovations

11. Application of data science in learning analytics

12. Application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the construction of the smart campus

13. Digital Twin Technology

14. Big Data and Learning Analytics

15. Data Privacy and Security

16. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Education Technology

17. Human-Computer Interaction Technology

18. Smart Classroom

19. Distance Education and Online Learning

20. Application of High-Performance Computing and Cloud Computing in Distance Education
