Welcome Assoc. Prof. Qingzheng Xu from National University of Defense Technology to be the TPC !

Welcome Assoc. Prof. Qingzheng Xu from National University of Defense Technology to be the TPC !


Assoc. Prof. Qingzheng Xu

National University of Defense Technology

Doctor, Associate Professor of the College of Information and Communication, National University of Defense Technology, Master's supervisor, outstanding doctoral dissertation winner of Shaanxi Province, visiting scholar of Nanyang Technological University, core member of Shaanxi University Youth Innovation Team, excellent undergraduate thesis advisor of National University of Defense Technology. His research topics are evolutionary and swarm intelligent, optimization algorithm, and operations research. He has completed some projects, including National Natural Science Foundation, Natural Science Foundation ofShaanxi Province, Research Project of National University of Defense Technology. He has published more than 50 SCI-index papers and 2 books, and won 1 second prize of science and technology of Shaanxi University. Currently, he is a foreign review expert of Chile National Science and Technology Foundation Committee, a communication review expert of National Natural Science Foundation Committee, a senior member of China Computer Federation, and a young editorial board/column editorial board member of Computer Engineering, Computer Technology and Development, and Journal of Naval Aviation University.