Welcome Assoc. Prof. Zhengming Gao from Jingchu university of technology to be the TPC !

Welcome Assoc. Prof. Zhengming Gao from Jingchu university of technology to be the TPC !


Assoc. Prof. Zhengming Gao

Jingchu university of technology

Dr. Zheng-Ming Gao is an associate professor at Jingchu University of Technology. He received his D.-Eng. degree in 2010. He retired from the military in 2018 and served as a faculty member at the School of Computer Engineering, Jingchu University of Technology. He is now a Member of the Youth Working Committee of the Chinese Association of Artificial Intelligence and chairman of Jingmen Greenby Network Technology Co., Ltd. Since 2018, he has hosted two province/department-level foundations and 13 city-hall level projects. He has published more than eighty papers, sixties of which have been indexed in SCI/EI, he also has more than 40 patents and 40 software copyrights, and he has published seven monographs by now. He is now focusing on swarm intelligence, intelligent information technology, and development.