Welcome Prof. Canhao Xu from Jiangxi University of Science and Technology to be the TPC !

Welcome Prof. Canhao Xu from Jiangxi University of Science and Technology to be the TPC !


Prof.  Canhao Xu 

Beijing Normal University - Hong Kong Baptist University United International College

Dr. Thomas Canhao Xu (Dr. Canhao Xu) has been a lecturer, researcher, postdoctoral fellow, assistant professor, associate professor, visiting professor, technical director, and chief technical officer since 2005. Since 2017, he has served as an expert in the Science and Technology Expert Pool of Jiangsu and Jiangxi Provincial Science and Technology Departments, an expert in the Evaluation and Consultation Expert Pool of Jiangsu Development and Reform Commission, an expert in the Expert Pool of the National Assessment and Monitoring Expert Pool of Postgraduate Education of the Degree and Postgraduate Education Development Center of the Ministry of Education, as well as a member of the editorial boards of several international academic journals and an associate editor, among other academic and social positions. He has nearly 10 years of overseas R&D experience and has managed and participated in more than 10 domestic and international corporate and academic projects, with a total project funding of more than 10 million RMB. His R&D interests include data science, artificial intelligence, intellectual networking, medical imaging, and hardware and software co-design. Has published more than 80 scientific research results, including more than 60 papers in international conferences and journals, 7 domestic and international monographs and monograph chapters, and more than 20 patents. The R&D results have been awarded two Nokia Prizes in Finland, one prize from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Finland, and two best papers in international conferences. The R&D results have been interviewed and reported by domestic and foreign media, such as Satellite News Agency and People's Weekly.